Finding your Element – with Sir Ken Robinson (creativity expert and educationalist)

Finding your Element – with Sir Ken Robinson (creativity expert and educationalist)

I recently watched an inspiring TED speech with Sir Ken Robinson, a well-known international figure in education and creativity. He is speaking about Finding Your Element and why is essential to personal fulfillment. Discovering who you are and what you are capable of, the things that make you feel you are most authentic. Who is […]

The Peaceful REframer: Nelson Mandela, from a prisoner to a world leader

The Peaceful REframer: Nelson Mandela, from a prisoner to a world leader

Essentials about Nelson Mandela: south African anti-apartheid revolutionary first black President of South Africa (1994-1999) elected in a fully representative democratic election descendent of a tribal chief, raised for leadership, taught to respect and own responsibility, allowed to sit in the council meetings. studied law (the only black African student, facing brutal racism in 1941) commited with ANC to overthrow the […]