Monthly Archives: April 2020

The Peaceful REframer: Nelson Mandela, from a prisoner to a world leader

The Peaceful REframer: Nelson Mandela, from a prisoner to a world leader

Essentials about Nelson Mandela: south African anti-apartheid revolutionary first black President of South Africa (1994-1999) elected in a fully representative democratic election descendent of a tribal chief, raised for leadership, taught to respect and own responsibility, allowed to sit in the council meetings. studied law (the only black African student, facing brutal racism in 1941) commited with ANC to overthrow the […]

Creative Quarantine (CovInspired)

Creative Quarantine (CovInspired)

I want to celebrate REframe RElaunch, so I think would be nice to challenge & invite all the creative minds around the world to share with their friends what they are doing differently, how they creatively adapting while in quarantine We may be physically captive but never mentally. Creativity goes beyond walls and doors. Beyond […]