What did you enjoy the most and how would you describe REframe experience?
“I liked the tests I was subjected to, they made me use my imagination and I felt that they were psychological, which gave them an added value. It’s visible that there was a lot of work behind the scenes. I appreciate you for your knowledge. I was put in different situations and were presented different points of view by the other participants.
“I liked the idea itself and the potential it presents. I would describe the workshop as an excellent idea, materialized very well. The exercises were interesting and people <<defrosted>>. “
“I really liked exercising my own creativity and hearing the perspectives and creativity of other people. This workshop must be done! It’s very fun and constructive. ”
“I liked the communication, easiness, the presentation seemed to me objective and I would describe this workshop as crazy.”
“I liked the people who participated, the openness of all, the exchange of ideas and the stimulation of the creative spirit. I would describe this workshop as a life long win.”
Adriana, adminstrative IT office
“I liked the games the most. I found the presentation interesting. I had forgotten how often we used our imagination. Now I realize how important it is to review our beliefs and it is easy to find out how we can find solutions to our problems. It was a worthwhile time to invest, where I learned a lot about myself. ”
“I liked the ideas the most, the challenges that made me get out of the comfort zone a bit. The presentation was very pleasant and determined me to think about some aspects. I would describe REframe as a helpful lesson for both professional and private life “
“I liked the group dynamics. I would describe the presentation intuitive, organized, straight, clear. I would describe the workshop in many words and all good. “
Cătălin, university teacher & speaker
“I liked the exercises the most. The presentation was natural, honest, humorous and I felt equality . This workshop was the best thing I could do today. “
“This workshop helped me to be myself. The presentation was natural and this workshop was an opportunity to get to know me better and to meet new people. “
“I enjoyed the flux of ideas, the presentation was heartly and light. I would describe the workshop with long term impact, self-knowing and self-development.”
“I mostly enjoy the fact I could solve my biggest problem. The presentation was outstanding. This workshop is a nice context which trains you to solve problems while solving them. You are one of the those events which gifted me in a experiential way, where I could love. ”
“I liked the friendly and funy mood, my warm-hearten colleagues and, last but not least, the confidence I gained in myself. The presentation was full of enthusiasm and made me see life from a different perspective. I would describe the workshop – personalized, exciting, creative “
“I liked the warmth both of the participants and of the 2 guides. This workshop reinforced my desire to go beyond my limits, to look at things from other perspectives. ”
Andreea-Loredana, construction engineer
“At this workshop I liked the self-knowledge games , the discussions, the facilitation. The presentation was interesting, captivating. The workshop is attractive, useful, with a new and innovative approach. “
“I liked the most the self-knowledge and problem solving keys, strategies. I would describe this REframe as being innovative, attractive, open and suitable for every human, useful. ”
“I liked the questions the most. The presentation I found interesting and expected. I expected something else. REframe is full of introspection moments. “
Diana, trainer, development manager
“I liked the approach, the new perspectives of solving problems and find solutions. The presentation was consistent and coherent.I would describe this workshop exciting“
“I liked my participation in these exercises to stimulate creativity. The way REframe was presented was coherent, explanatory and stimulating. The workshop is innovative, multi-valent and interactive. ”
“I liked the different approach, the exercises where we were invited to compose something. The presentation was different from a classic / technical training. I would describe REframe as being most effective for stiffer people, with communication difficulties, using creativity. ”
“I liked that we put aside our adult role, to be honest about our personal fears or needs. The presentation was objective and straight, briefly explaining REframe’s purpose. The workshop is useful and beneficial to those who want to discover possibilities to find solutions to their problems. “
“I really liked the trainer authenticity, the exercises aimed for personal development and the fact that we were true to ourselves. The workshop was useful with nice people. “
“I liked that we experienced many useful exercises. The presentation was interactive. REframe sometimes takes you out of the comfort zone and helps you look at problems from different perspectives and find different solutions. “
“I really liked that there were a lot of exercises. I was surprised by the emotional load of the exercises. The presentation was nice to me and I felt comfortable in the presence of others, in a relaxing atmosphere that facilitated a new, challenging, approach. The workshop is intense through powerful introspection exercises, surprising by the exercise focused on self-knowledge. ”
Mostly I liked in this workshop the interaction with the thinking of others. The presentation was friendly, documented and challenging. I would describe REframe as an opportunity to interact at a deep level with my peers and to add another brick to self-building/development
Raluca, Manager assistant
“I liked the freedom spirit the most. The presentation was very broad, enjoyable, we learned new things from the practical games. Very cool! I would describe this workshop as practical and efficient ”
Marina, employee
“I was most pleased that I discovered my hidden fear. The presentation was interesting and very well organized. I would describe REframe by “self-discovery” and “smile” keywords.
Tamara, graphic designer
“I liked the communication, the information, the high quality, the friendly environment and the honesty. The presentation was professional and effective. I would describe REframe as useful, a MUST DO ”
Raluca, PR Manager
“I liked REframe the most. I think each of us has to experience such a workshop. Would be very suitable for students. I would describe this workshop as innovative. It has to be super promoted ”
Ligia, Phd
“I appreciated the professionalism of the presentation, the attention to all the details and the novelty and creativity of the proposed exercises. The presentation was fabulous. That’s the most appropriate word. I have participated in many workshops on creativity, but it is much more than anything I’ve experienced. I would describe the workshop in two words: differently and professionally ”
Laura, visual artist, editor in chief
“Friendly atmosphere, wonderful people, everything above expectations today at the REframe workshop. I have discovered how I can reinterpret, reframe the things that happen to me, thoughts, actions, find creative solutions with the help of imagination and play. Congratulations Vlad Dumitrescu-Petrica and the REframe team! For me this Sunday was meaningfull..Looking for a Meaning of Your Existence? Use the tools inside yourself, listen to them, follow them, we are all creative beings. “”
Camelia, product manager
“The organizing seemed to me to be flawless. From registration after the workshop. I liked the diversified energy in the room and the fact that they were so different people contributed a lot to the revelations. Even though we were different, the exercises brought us closer together, proving that we have a lot in common and that we can help each other. I liked the workshop because everyone, no matter how creative they believe they are, they prove to themselves they are more playful than they thought. by playing they can find solutions, new understandings, new angles to look at things. The introspection exercises helped me realize that I can get deeper into myself than I ever thought and the group exercises shown that I am still shy :)) The participants were curious, open, relaxed and they worked beautifully (with themselves, but also with colleagues). They quickly befriend and were just waiting for the break to exchange phone numbers / Facebook pages ”
Raluca psychotherapist, REframe Co-founder
yes you read right, my creation partner participated in our own event after two years. I am still envious on her 🙂 – Vlad
“I was most surprised by what REframe brought out of me … I had left home with the thought that I had no problems, limiting beliefs, that I had solved them all and that I would work on the side for the purposes but it’s always usefull to see another approach. As I progressed in the exercises I was surprised to discover how much I hold insid,still tend to see only from my point of view … the more I play, the more seriously, I get a little shaken (which is great ) and it made me realize that I still have to work on seeds soil. That’s why I ended up with that … emotional face. Thanks again for the experience offered!
Rodica, transition manager
“REframe was an amazing experience. After so many talks with Vlad about it, I was really curious and excited to experience his way of working and thinking and it worth every second. It is fascinating how relaxed and joyful games can make you realize and discover so many things about yourself and give you the right mindset, tools, and new ways to achieve your goals and deal with problems. I noticed that before I experienced REframe my levels of motivation were not the best, and this had a direct impact on my actions after this experience. I say this because I’m writing this about two weeks after and I still feel the direct impact of this experience in my energy and motivation, and I’m sure that this will help me longer. I learned that sometimes the ideas and ways to achieve goals and deal with problems are already in our minds, we just need the right tools and way of thinking to get to them.”
Rafael, ultra trail runner