Creativitatea – Subiectul Tabu
Chiar dacă auzim zilnic cuvântul creativitate el pare a ne rămâne în continuare străin. Străin în sensul în care nu îl percep ca fiind integrat în structura internă a celor...
REframe has started 8 years ago, online, when two curious minds meet and started to play creatively. We enjoyed it so much that we wanted to share with the world our techniques and games!
Today, after so many inspiring moments I(Vlad) lived guiding hundreds of amazing participants, I want to share with you what I believe makes REframe a valuable unique experience.
REframe is carefully designed for you,
who wishes to explore your creative spirit.
We won’t focus on art mastery but on your creative thinking
that you can easily reveal in a friendly context,
using only simple creative tools.
“The workshop is attractive, useful, with a new and innovative approach.“ Carmen, teacher
REframe is a mix of meaningful techniques that empower you to think & act differently every day.
Beyond the workshop experience, you invest in your long-term thinking that brings you happiness and better outcomes (job, relationships, business).
“I liked the people who participated, the openness of all, the exchange of ideas and the stimulation of the creative spirit.
I would describe this workshop as a lifelong win.”
Adriana, IT officer
REframe creates a joyful context where we play games
in a relaxing and funny way.
You simply cannot stay too serious.
“I liked the communication, easiness, the presentation seemed
to be objective and I would describe this workshop as crazy good.”
Ana-Maria, set designer
REframe has a high rate of interactivity.
The workshop agenda contains games that generate engaging dialogues that lead naturally to ideas and solutions.
You won’t be bored, that I can tell you for sure.
“The way REframe was presented was coherent,
explanatory and stimulating. The workshop is innovative,
multi-valent and interactive” – Ramona, Kindergarten Manager
REframe is a cradle of emotions that are naturally expressed.
At the workshop, we embrace all feelings with an open heart.
We have found that participants are nurturing, caring, and respectful during the workshops.
All feelings are allowed. We are a supportive group and
we want you to feel at ease sharing these moments with us.
“… Even though we were different, the exercises brought us closer together, proving that we have a lot in common and that we can help each other..” – Raluca, psychotherapist
REframe provides you with a set of practical creative tools
that guide you to find solutions in real-time.
You can easily adapt the techniques you learn and customize them to your own needs beyond the workshop event.
„I learned that sometimes the ideas and ways to achieve goals and deal with problems are already in our minds, we just need the right tools and way of thinking to get to them.” – Rafael, Ultra trail runner
REframe workshop is a non-judgmental space where any idea is welcome. We let our imagination running wild because no one is here to criticize you for what you are & feel.
We are being ourselves and we truly enjoy it!
“I really liked the trainer’s authenticity and the fact that we were true to ourselves…“ – Ruxandra, HR specialist
„This workshop helped me to be myself… “ – Ramona, lawyer
I know that people are not alike. I believe in everyone’s unique personality that’s why I designed REframe tools to match each individual, with their specific needs and expectations.
Introverts will feel cozy and have their space to engage as they want, while extroverts will have their social cup filled too.
„I would describe REframe as being most effective for less flexible personalities, people that sometimes encounter difficulties in communicating in a creative way” – Alexandra, engineer
„personalized, exciting, creative“ – Diana-Maria, Sales consultant
Last but not the least, the coolest thing is that every one
of you are creating this online event.
What I love in the history of REframe is that
there were no two workshops alike because of the people
who participate in them!
I am the context, You create the content.
I am the guide, You are the main character.
Is all about yourself.
How you explore and highlight your creative resources.
You have the answers and what I can promise is that I can guide you to get to them by playing REframe.
If you want to live this creative experience, JOIN our next creative thinking online event
(3&4 Of April)