Does your company have this Creative DNA?

We believe in Creativity in Business as much as we believe in sustainable and successful companies.

82% of executives surveyed by Forrester agree that companies benefit from creativity.

If you think about the brands you are excited and attracted by, you will realize that they are exactly those who use their creative power to stand out from the crowd, having the courage to explore possibilities and to constantly seek ideas to delight their customers.

Creativity in business implies cultivating the skill set to generate ideas within the team to find instant solutions to make the company thrive in any circumstances.

In the last few years creativity becomes a must  to the fast changing environment we live in.

Let’s say that Creativity in business is like the blood of your business system. 

We make this analogy because we all know that without blood, our body’s organs couldn’t get the oxygen and nutrients they need to survive.

It might sound radical but if you lack creativity in your business “body” you will deprive it of vital solutions essential to its proper living.

Using creativity in business is exploring what is not visible at first hand, calling for new ways to overcome business challenges or achieve goals.

Applied to business, creativity is also searching for obvious solutions in non-conventional ways. 

In order to be Creative as a company you have to recognize its value and integrate it in your business DNA.

A survey by IBM of more than 1,500 chief executive officers shows consensus: Creativity was ranked as the number one factor for future business success—above management discipline, integrity, and even vision.

Once you get aware of the creativity potential and its real value you will start to challenge your old ways of doing business, getting inspired to embrace new approaches and ways of thinking.

Challenging the status quo of your business is not always easy but is necessary and rewarding.

There is no recipe for success but exercising your creative thinking will open new pathways and multiple strategies to drive your company there.

What we find to be great is that you are never alone in this process. You can take this journey together with your team, to support its development, to believe in its creative potential so together you can reach the desired results

If you invest trust in people they will feel closer to you so you can better collaborate and make things happen faster.

If you are open to exploring creative techniques to boost your company potential means that you are ready to train your team members, to allow them to unfold in a safe place where they can generate ideas, propose new concepts of products or services that will excite customers and make them stay loyal to your brand.

When you experience REframe creative techniques you can find those hidden puzzle pieces that you may have missed seeing before just because you were too busy to explore them. You should know that your team is always ready to open and prove its creative potential once set in an inspiring learning context. 

Read testimonials of the companies that already experience REframe

When you trust your team to be trained you let go of the control, delegating the process with confidence to those who can guide purposefully, creatively and efficiently following your team members’ personality and needs. Training them is allowing your business to grow organically from within in a creative way. 

If team members remain in the same place your company will get stuck soon or later will be diminished by those who know how to embrace change and cope with it by creatively adapting to it.

Generally speaking, we cannot manage a resource we don’t know we have.

If you start exploring together with your team what’s possible you become more aware of the collective amazing creativity and how to successfully make use of it in a very practical way that propels your business.

“Today we are on the third day of the workshop and I felt a lot of energy, I discovered new things, and what is most important is that it is confirmed to me that in each of my colleagues there is a creative potential and a ton of ideas, which we have to find, to become aware of and to work to discover them.”

(Dana Nae-Popa – pastel Managing Director  – advertising  industry)

Not everything that will be creatively expressed will be valuable and useful but imagine that only 20% of all the ideas and solutions generated by the team are taken into consideration and implemented. That will be already a big progress and will bring growth to your company.

The second advantage of this is that once people will see their ideas and solutions taken into consideration and some of them implemented they will be more inspired to contribute. You will create a habit that soon will become part of your culture.

Leaving in fear and control will never allow people to trust themselves, trust your company, so all the ideas will be washed away or locked inside and die with the people’s motivation to contribute to your vision.

If you believe in people and appreciate them for their contribution you will enjoy the “fruits” and more valuable things will happen under your business “roof”.

Better to encourage then suppress people’s ideas. 

Risk is a big part of the process. If you want to stand out from the crowd you have to leave people to try, experiment, take the responsibility of their own process and only after to guide them to adjust for better outcomes. If you build this confidence in the team you will get more people on your side who can take the creative lead whenever is needed and much more, they will model their teams in the same way.

Once you create a culture of honesty, openness, appreciation, feedback and you set up the context for the people to express their perspectives, you will build a creative culture that will help your business flourish and differentiate from competition.

Building a creative culture will take time but once it’s built up you will gain creative immunity to welcome hazards or unexpected situations most companies are not prepared to deal with.

Your team will be equipped with the creative tools to generate ideas and solutions no matter the external circumstances.

If you as a leader of your team resonate with all of these then it means that we share the same mindset and we will be very happy to become your learning trustful partner.

We will love to train your team and equip it with powerful, engaging, meaningful, and playful techniques that team members can easily start applying in your daily business activity to reach the next level of succes. 

Write us an e-mail at and let’s book a Zoom call to explore together how we can support your team’s creative training!

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